1: 名無し 2024/05/20(月) 08:11:47.97 ID:UnYzLiav0● BE:928380653-2BP(4276) : Europost can now confirm through official sources inside #Iran that the country\'s president, foreign minister, and four other officials have died in a helicopter crash. The Iranian government is expected to confirm this within the next few hours. pic.twitter.com/fj6fTep7oS— EuroPost Agency (@EuroPostAgency) May 19, 2024 イラン大統領と外相搭乗のヘリが山中で不時着、安否不明 捜索続く 3 名前: 警備員[Lv.7][新] (オイコラミネオ MM06-4kpv)[] 投稿日:2024/05/20(月) 08:00:31.60 ID:N3qSBRPoM deepthroat@gloomynews イランのライシ大統領、イラン外相、他政府関係者4名がヘリ墜落事故で死亡が確認されたとイラン政府筋がドイツメディアに談話。まもなく公式発表の見込み。 EuroPost Agency @EuroPostAgency : Europost can now confirm through official sources inside #Iran that the country\'s president, foreign minister, and four other officials have died in a helicopter crash. The Iranian government is expected to confirm this within the next few hours. 【辺野古移設】マスコミ「地元の声を聞け!」政府「ほーい」→つばさの党、須藤元気さんには全く妨害行為を働かなかった真の理由がネットで暴露される → ww【動画】トルコのイスタンブールも狂い始めた…