引用元: 神「絶滅した動物を1匹だけ生き返らせてやろう」 1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2024/02/06(火) 23:55:34.951 ID:LiJVyfQn0 ぼくはモアちゃん! Some moa species, like this 5-foot-tall Dinornis, were giants among the flightless birds called ratites. Their smaller cassowary, rhea & emu relatives are still around today, but all of New Zealand’s moa species went extinct 600 years ago, shortly after humans arrived. #DeepTime pic.twitter.com/FINLeopWAl— Smithsonian NMNH (@NMNH) June 1, 2019…