1 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[] 投稿日:24/01/27(土) 08:20:33 ID:IIQC 世界各国で若い男女の間に大きなイデオロギー格差が生まれつつある A wide ideology gap is opening up between young men and women in countries across the world ※赤いラインが女性、青いラインが男性 ※プラスが大きいほどリベラル、マイナスが大きいほど保守 2 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[] 投稿日:24/01/27(土) 08:20:44 ID:IIQC NEW: an ideological divide is emerging between young men and women in many countries around the world.I think this one of the most important social trends unfolding today, and provides the answer to several puzzles. pic.twitter.com/kG4qQReqfT— John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch) January 26, 2024…