引用元: 淡水貝「ただ卵産むだけだと川の流れに流されて段々下流に行きやがて海について全滅だな…せや!」 1: それでも動く名無し 2023/05/30(火) 08:51:32.15 ID:0/ddJux00 淡水貝「魚そっくりの卵が入った袋作ったろw」 淡水貝「大型魚が袋に食いついた途端袋が破裂して卵が撒き散らされるようにしたろw」 淡水貝「そのまま魚のエラに卵を寄生させて上流まで登っていったろw」 Freshwater #mussel species are perhaps the most curious of life forms in SE aquatic ecosystems.Here is the Wavy-rayed Lampmussel, Lampsilis fasciola.Photo credit: Todd Amacker pic.twitter.com/94FX5dfsn2— Biotweeps (@biotweeps) July 3, 2019 Wavy-rayed Lampmussel (Lampsilis fasciola) is ready to go. We are inoculating bass with her glochidia, later today at #VDWR_AWCC! pic.twitter.com/4BnmmsXQgS— Tim Lane (@TimLane13) January 25, 2021 Wavy-rayed Lampmussel (Lampsilis fasciola), displaying her darter-mimicking lure in the hopes of attracting an unsuspecting bass so she can infect it with her babies. Green River, Ky. #FreshwaterMussels pic.twitter.com/pELGn1SNcQ— Dave Hayes (@Gnarly_Larvae) May 25, 2019…