引用元: ムササビのように滑空するカエルが発見される 1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2023/12/29(金) 14:30:30.306 ID:YMZbc3v+0NIKU めちゃくちゃかっこいい アマガエルがスライムならスライムベスくらいはあるWallace’s flying frog doesn’t need wings to take flight. This frog, which inhabits tropical forests in Malaysia & Borneo, has webbed feet that help it lift off! It can cover distances as far as 50 ft (15 m), using the webbing between each of its digits to help it glide on air. pic.twitter.com/BpNs8kX3OE— American Museum of Natural History (@AMNH) June 6, 2022…