1: それでも動く名無し 2023/08/23(水) 07:32:44.53 ID:p7iWhFHa0 The Japanese word "yabai" can mean almost anything depending on the context. In fact, its tendency for overuse and replacement of more precise terms isn’t something the whole of Japan celebrates. In other words, some people think things are getting quite yabai out there. pic.twitter.com/Ynondl5aMi— Unseen Japan (@UnseenJapanSite) August 21, 2023 2: それでも動く名無し 2023/08/23(水) 07:33:23.61 ID:Q1gjg6nz0 ファックと同じようなもん 5: それでも動く名無し 2023/08/23(水) 07:34:38.46 ID:77N4bBiK0 >>2 fuckは強調やし公の場では使わんやろ 「知らなかった」では恥をかく!間違いだらけの日本語…