引用元: 魚類最大で体長20mにもなる海の帝王ジンベエザメの顔がこちらwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2023/08/06(日) 18:24:40.481 ID:+c8YpI9Aa The Face Of A Whale Shark #Animals pic.twitter.com/TyYhRQ0XH6— Regina Kenney (@Regina_Kenney) June 5, 2014 This month\'s bracelet is raising awareness about the threats whale sharks face and the importance of whale shark conservation. We\'re also donating to the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation to support research into whale shark migrations. Visit to learn more. pic.twitter.com/JqjgPiyV3Y— 4ocean (@4ocean) July 1, 2019…