引用元: 漁師「フカヒレ作りたいけどヒレ以外の部分要らないなぁ…」 1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2019/07/06(土) 20:12:10.504 ID:MtAlaHsZ0 海に帰してあげよ DID YOU KNOW? While shark finning is illegal in U.S. waters, shark fins are still allowed to be bought and sold throughout the United States. Call on your senators today and demand a #FinBanNow: pic.twitter.com/NR2Sd8VUK3— Oceana (@oceana) August 12, 2020 Shark finning is the cruel act of removing a shark\'s fins then discarding it back to sea where it\'s like to bleed to death or drown. Tell Congress to pass a #FinBanNow: pic.twitter.com/K32epkCRrB— Oceana (@oceana) November 3, 2019 Permintaan sirip hiu kering masih terus ada. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan praktek shark finning di laut juga masih terus beroperasi. pic.twitter.com/JXtoC73yxB— Yayasan WWF Indonesia (@WWF_ID) January 27, 2019…