引用元: 【悲報】ワイ、デンキウナギの真実を知る1: 名無しさん@おーぷん 23/03/13(月) 09:22:59 ID:wLPo あれ体のほとんどが尻尾なんや尻の穴とか顎の付け根にあるし内臓全部頭側に寄ってるから要するにでかいオタマジャクシ ▼関連Did you know this 4ft electric eel’s body is mostly electric organ (shown in red), which produces up to 600-800V shock during stressful situations? The evolution of this unusual organ requires tremendous energy, and mutations in mt-OXPHOS likely enabled it pic.twitter.com/sDDxlWjqZK— Ahmed Elbassiouny (@AAElbassiouny) December 29, 2019…