引用元: 女さん「女だけが出産しなくてはならないという理屈はない。現にタツノオトシゴは雄が出産する」←3000いいね 1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2022/07/24(日) 21:00:06.932 ID:ZAL5JYhPd えぇ……(ドン引き▼関連:Twitter検索「タツノオトシゴ 雄 出産」▼関連動画An aquarium in Australia has captured footage of an endangered male White\'s Seahorse giving birth.Sea Life Sydney Aquarium said this herd of about 100 seahorse babies, each measuring smaller than a grain of rice, were born late last year. pic.twitter.com/UL7zxVLthS— CBS News (@CBSNews) January 13, 2021…