引用元: 【画像】サメの歯で作った武器、攻撃力高そう 1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2021/06/22(火) 05:10:30.696 ID:EXt/ThWPM ホオジロザメの歯等をココナツの線維と人毛から作られた糸で縫い付けてる オセアニアで部族の戦争、実際に人を殺すのに使っていた ▼サメの歯の武器とフグのヘルメット The inspiration for Nakoa\'s armour in Where the Waters Turn Black, complete with blowfish helmet and shark tooth sword! pic.twitter.com/sNk7SNQLUP— Benedict Patrick (@benedictpaddy) July 26, 2017 We\'re so excited to share an artifact that was one of the founding pieces in our collection! This incredible Hawaiian Shark Tooth Sword was collected in 1875 by our founder Joseph Moore during a study and collections trip to the Hawaiian Islands. #Triangle #WayneCountyCollects pic.twitter.com/QNZfviogrU— Joseph Moore Museum (@Moore_Museum) February 1, 2021 ▼関連:装備した時の様子 POTD: Kiribati warrior with porcupine fish helmet, shark tooth sword and armour made from coconut fibre. Early 1900s pic.twitter.com/zab7WXAgOs— Forces_TV (@Forces_TV) October 6, 2015…