1:名無しさん@涙目です。(茸) [HU] :2024/06/25(火) 09:41:36.90ID:PqDUhOnT0@livgoesexploring If youre in HCMC/ Saigon its well worth doing a day trip to the Cu Chi tunnels. I saw the original traps used in the Vietnam War and ventured into the Cu Chi Tunnels. These traps would have been concealed underground or covered with leaves so the opposition wouldn’t see them. #vietnam #cuchi #cuchitunnels #hochiminh #saigon #hcmcdaytrip #hcmc #vietnamwar #warhistory #military #guerrilla #vietnamtok #thingstodoinvietnam #thingstodoinhochiminh ♬ Lazy Sunday - Official Sound Studio @namjoon__187 베트남전에 실제로 사용했던 함정 #tiktok #틱톡 #추천 #recommendations ♬ 오리지널 사운드 - GOAT - 헤어남 @itkmepnaafo #fypシ #foryou #おすすめ #わな ♬ Athletic Meet "Heaven and Hell" (No Introduction) - Shinonome 3:名無しさん@涙目です。(ジパング) [US] :2024/06/25(火) 09:45:12.30ID:hPZdcSl20 ランボーが似たような罠作ってたな 121:名無しさん@涙目です。(ジパング) [BG] :2024/06/25(火) 10:49:33.98ID:aDhtImH90 >>3 TINTINの辺りに棘々の木の枝がパシーン!て刺さるやつだっけ? 14:名無しさん@涙目です。(茸) [NL] :2024/06/25(火) 09:51:01.43ID:a4kr/b3Z0 ベトナムと戦うということはゲリラ戦を覚悟セヨ ってかゲリラ戦にしかならねえ……