引用元: 【朗報】オーストラリアのコウモリ、怖すぎるWVWVWVWVWVWVWVWVWVWVWVWVWVW 1: それでも動く名無し 2024/03/15(金) 08:35:37.43 ID:uFk7fXFC0 これがそこら中飛び回ってるもよう Meet the golden-capped fruit bat. It’s also known as the giant golden-crowned flying-fox bat because of its very foxy face. It’s one of the heftiest bats, weighing as much as 2.6 pounds (1.2 kilograms)! This Philippine species mostly munches on fruit, preferably figs. pic.twitter.com/hzYnKf0NBJ— American Museum of Natural History (@AMNH) July 29, 2021…