1 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[] 投稿日:23/12/28(木) 12:07:39 ID:T9nI Pic 1: where the avg Aussie livesPic 2: where the avg Jap livesBoth are 1st world countries, but avg Aussie enjoys a far higher QoL simply because of the vastness of the land he squats on.People don\'t get how much land matters, not just about being "developed, clean" etc pic.twitter.com/aV3aZxu3t2— Ary???a (@arya_amsha) December 26, 2023 2 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[] 投稿日:23/12/28(木) 12:08:15 ID:33Bq それは日本の住宅じゃねぇ 弱者の小屋や 3 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[] 投稿日:23/12/28(木) 12:08:19 ID:V0mn 翻訳頼んだ 5 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[] 投稿日:23/12/28(木) 12:10:04 ID:T9nI >>3 同じ先進国なのに左がオーストラリア右が日本…