引用元: 【画像】200年前の日本人が描いたカエルの絵、今でも魅力的だと海外で話題に 1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2022/08/07(日) 21:48:27.562 ID:hkrsEg+Zd 1814年に日本の絵師・松本奉時が描いたカエルがこちらhello, here is my favorite piece of art i\'ve seen all year:“frog” by matsumoto hoji. edo period. 1814.i love this frog!!!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/bYCiJ5uqI9— jonny sun (@jonnysun) June 7, 2018 I took my first #screenprinting class at @centralprintstl today and made this Matsumoto Hoji toad t-shirt for my two-year-old nephew.Now I want to screenprint sad toads on everything pic.twitter.com/tKflB8zhqI— Shahla Farzan (@ShahlaFarzan) May 2, 2022…