引用元: 【絶望】三億年前のムカデさん、ヤバすぎる…お前らの想像の3倍はヤバイwwwwwwwww 1: 風吹けば名無し 2022/09/28(水) 16:20:41.02 ID:bhe8enxh0 The Arthropleura existed 300 million years ago. Have a nice sleep, everybody pic.twitter.com/zPwk2P0ZOr— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) May 5, 2014 This is only the third Arthropleura fossil ever found, although their giant tracks are fairly well known.Compared to the other two specimens though, this one was a true GIANT. It would have been one of the largest invertebrates ever.Check. It. Out. (pic from the times) pic.twitter.com/Oen7fkISkL— Josh Luke Davis ️ (@JoshLukeDavis) December 21, 2021…