引用元: 古代生物アンモナイト、お前らの想像する100倍デカい【めっちゃデカい】 1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2022/06/20(月) 04:11:48.618 ID:SHe2ehAVp ↓Parapuzosia seppenradensis is the largest species of ammonite known. Not including the shell, these giant mollusks would have weighed over 1,600 pounds! : @eatdrinkcat @dapperdays #HowDoYouMuseum pic.twitter.com/wtIGyaOT5b— Natural History Museum of L.A. County (@NHMLA) May 18, 2018 Pictured: The world\'s largest species of ammonite, Parapuzosia seppenradensis. These molluscs lived in the Late Cretaceous period, in marine environments near what is now Germany. ( by Werner Otto) pic.twitter.com/BJfdQElAVL— Johns Hopkins CTY (@CTYJohnsHopkins) March 31, 2019…