引用元: 【岡山】体長1メートルのトカゲが脱走、引っかいたり噛み付く恐れ 県警が20人態勢で捜索中 [haru★] 1: haru ★ 2021/10/24(日) 12:20:35.44 ID:1i/nZCUA9 体長1mのトカゲ逃げたか、岡山 - 女性が市内のアパートで飼育— 共同通信公式 (@kyodo_official) October 24, 2021 --- 詳細はソース元から --- 2021/10/24 11:19 ▼関連:アルゼンチンテグー ※動画の個体は今回逃げた個体とは異なります。 With our guests temporarily away, Penny the Argentine tegu, Kimani the serval and Chiquita the prehensile-tailed porcupine were treated to their own private “shopping spree” in the Aquarium Gift shop! pic.twitter.com/csP71kxnF9— Texas State Aquarium (@TXStateAquarium) April 15, 2020 Happy #TongueOutTuesday from Sai the Argentine black and white tegu! Tegus use their tongues to smell the air around them, and the fork in their tongue allows them to figure out which direction smells are coming from. #NaplesZoo #Tegu pic.twitter.com/XmNg0wQtFJ— Naples Zoo (@NaplesZoo) October 19, 2021…